Street Art: Hebru Brantley on Edgewood Ave

On our way to brunch the other day, my friend Sade and I happened upon the newest bit of street art to grace Old Fourth Ward: Hebru Brantley - Street Art - Atlanta - The City Dweller (1)

Seen on the side of The SoundTable, this mural painted on brick is more than meets the eye.

Hebru Brantley - Street Art - Atlanta - The City Dweller (4)

Your eyes are immediately drawn to the main characters, shown in artist Hebru Brantley's signature flight goggles.

But upon closer inspection, many other elements of the piece begin to pull focus.

Hebru Brantley - Street Art - Atlanta - The City Dweller (6)

I really loved the etchings that make up the faux negative space surrounding the main characters. Light charcoal in color, a cacophony of scenes tell as many stories as there are squiggles.

Hebru Brantley - Street Art - Atlanta - The City Dweller (7)

I love the trusting expression on this character's face. Everything about her stance strikes me as someone who feels safe, enjoying a moment. I'm digging the pink hair, too.